We hope you are staying safe, having fun with cicadas, and enjoying the wonderful bike riding weather! We appreciate your patience and support as we've done our best to keep customers and staff safe throughout the Covid-19 pandemic. As we cautiously open our automatic door to the outside world, we thought we'd get you up to date on how we're handling our version of the County's Phase 3 reopening.
Cautious Reopening
Maryland and Prince George’s county have lifted indoor capacity limitations for businesses, effective this Monday, May 17th. However, we are still taking our safety precautions seriously. While the Covid case counts are declining, the virus is not going away any time soon, and there are still lots of unvaccinated people in our community.
Read on for our current plan for safe business operations:
Masks Are Still Required!
Masks are required in indoor spaces. Make sure you have one on when you enter the store. We are happy to provide one for you if you forgot to bring one – just ask! Thanks for your courtesy!
Indoor Shopping / Air Quality
Although the automatic door is back open and we are inviting more shoppers inside this summer, we will be monitoring our indoor air quality very closely. We have two brand new 10-ton AC units on the roof that provide excellent ventilation, and we watch a CO2 monitor to check that the indoor air isn’t getting stagnant. (If the indoor CO2 level goes up, we will turn up the AC to refresh the air, or, if needed, we may limit the number of additional people inside.)
Of course if you would prefer us to serve you outside, we will be happy to! Just call and we will send the next sales staffer out to help you!
Proteus Brews customers have a choice: Order outside by phone or website for curbside (we bring to you), or pick-up (you come inside), or come inside to order at the counter. Please note that our seating area remains closed, and folks are asked to take their goodies outside to one of our comfy tables for eating and drinking. Let us know if you need extra chairs/tables set up.
We're asking service customers to continue to wait outside for the next available mechanic. Call us at 301 441 2928 if we don’t see you right away.
Please call us for the latest updates on the service queue. We don't like to keep anyone's bike for more than 2 weeks, so we may periodically close the queue for tune ups and other major repairs.
All bikes must be evaluated by a mechanic before they are checked in for service. No drop offs. All service is first come, first served. Bike parts continue to be in short supply, so hold off those big projects till later in the year.
We are getting closer to opening up bike fitting services. We are setting up our new Retul fit equipment and an online appointment system. We have some training and organizing yet to do, but we hope to open things up in the coming weeks. In the meantime, we are still doing “ride -by” fit adjustments for folks who bought new bikes at Proteus. We’ll post everywhere when we’re back up and running with bike fit. If you have any questions, email info@proteusbicycles.com or call the shop.
More news to come on the fun stuff - like new bikes, new staff, bike rides, new Proteus kits, Proteus Velo Club, clinics, and even some (outdoor) events. Stay tuned, stay healthy, and keep riding! We miss our community. We can't wait to really see you again (safely) and show you around our (almost finished) redecorated shop!
All the best,
Laurie, Ben, Paul, Johnny, Jeff, Annie, Buddy, Duncan, Priya, James, Tyler, Kate and Colin.